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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Konferensi Internasional Teknologi Informasi Asocio 2011 di Yogyakarta

November 29, 2011

Dalam rangka mengembangkan kemampuan usaha kecil menengah- UKM dan komunitas teknologi informasi menuju era digital, The Asian Oceania Computing Industry Organization- ASOCIO, Senin (28/11), menggelar konferensi teknologi internasional Asocio 2011, di Hyatt Regency Hotel Yogyakarta. Konferensi Asocio berlangsung mulai tanggal 26 hingga 29 November 2011, dengan agenda diantaranya berupa seminar, pameran, tour ke beberapa Industri IT dan kampus AMIKOM Yogyakarta.

ASOCIO adalah sekelompok asosiasi industri TI di kawasan Asia. ASOCIO didirikan pada tahun 1984 dengan tujuan adalah untuk mempromosikan, mendorong dan membina hubungan dan perdagangan antara anggota-anggotanya, dan untuk mengembangkan industri komputasi di kawasan tersebut.

ASOCIO terdiri dari 22 anggota dari Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cina Taipei, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Jepang, Laos, Makau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Selandia Baru, Pakistan, Filipina ,Singapura, Korea Selatan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam dan tujuh anggota tamu dari Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Kanada, Spanyol,Rusia, Perancis, dan Kenya. Sampai pada saat ini, para anggota ASOCIO adalah lebih dari 10.000 perusahaan ICT yang mewakili sekitar US $ 350 miliar dari pendapatan TIK di wilayah tersebut.

Konferensi Asocio 2011 yang dibuka oleh Direktur Jenderal Kementerian ICT ASOCIO, Aswhin Sasongko, dengan dihadiri Ketua Federasi Teknologi Informasi Indonesia- FTII, Teddy Sukardi, dan Ketua Asocio, Looi Kien Liong. Sementara itu dalam konferensi pers, Direktur Jenderal Kementerian ICT ASOCIO, aswhin sasongko, mengatakan, dengan diselenggarakannya konfrensi asocio 2011 di Indonesia, diharapkan UKM yang ada di Yogyakarta dapat memaksimalkan teknologi informasi, untuk mendukung pemasaran produk lokal hingga ke luar negeri. Saat ini teknologi informasi sudah berhasil mengembangkan ukm baik dari sektor formal maupun non formal.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Three Quarters of EU Firms Not Ready to Recover from IT Failures

November 28, 2011

Almost three quarters of companies and public-sector organisations across nine European countries might not recover all of their data if they suffer an IT failure according to a new report released by the IT group EMC.  For the survey a total of 1,750 European companies and organisations were quizzed across the UK,  France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Benelux and Russia with each organisation ranging in size from 250 to 3000+ employees.
The research’s findings are worrying indeed.
  • 74% of organisations are not very confident that they can fully recover after a disaster, according to a new survey of 1,750 European companies
  • 54% surveyed have lost data and/or suffered systems downtime in the last year
  • 61% report hardware failure as the primary cause of data loss and downtime;  natural disasters and employee sabotage being much less likely culprits
  • 43% of organisations cite loss of employee productivity as the single biggest economic impact
  • 28% point to lost revenue as a result of a disaster
  • 40% of organisations still use tape for recovery and 80% of these organisations want to replace tape all together, highlighting the need for next generation backup and recovery
The fact that 74% of companies and organisations feel that they’re not prepared or equipped to properly recover data after an outage or disaster might be seen as very worrying for business overall.  We’ve all suffered data loss but the data losses suffered by business could affect us and them in many different ways.  They could lose customer orders, lose valuable employee details or details of current projects and so on.
The survey also details that more than half of the businesses and organisations surveyed said they had experienced data loss or systems downtime in the last year.  It’s common for companies to suffer from downtime and it’s a pity the research doesn’t go into more detail about what percentage of companies had actually experienced data loss, all we have is a corruption figure that in itself seems too high.
They say the most commonly reported causes of downtime are…
  • Hardware failure: 61%
  • Power failure: 42%
  • Data corruption: 35%
One of the problems seems to be that 40% of the companies surveyed are still replying on tape for backup.  With the falling costs of hard disks and the increased bandwidth that dedicated phone lines can bring more and more companies are moving to secure and stable off-site backup solutions and indeed many business ISPs and server hosts now offer this facility as standard.  It is clear though that not enough companies are heeding the warnings of data loss and, more important of good security.
The research found that businesses are spending, on  average, 10% of their IT budgets on backup and recovery, and 29% of businesses  do not feel they are spending enough.   For backup and disaster recovery purposes, 40% of companies still rely  on tape, with an average annual cost of €74,000 on transporting, storing,  testing and replacing tapes. Where tape is used for disaster recovery purposes,  10% still have an employee take home a copy of the backup tapes with them.
The companies surveyed included manufacturing, retail, financial services and telecoms, among others and, frankly, it is disappointing that so many companies still seem unprepared for IT and data failures when computers have now been in business for over 30 years and have been on every desk for the vast majority of that time.
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Minggu, 27 November 2011

How Long It Would Take To Hack A Password

November 28, 2011

Password strength has become more of a issue in recent years. While it has always been important to select secure passwords, advancements in processing power and distributed computing (for instance cloud computing) have made it more of a pressing matter. Passwords that may have taken weeks or years to crack in the past are now crackable in days or even hours. That’s a big security issue considering that many computer users are still selecting weak passwords as their account passwords.
Services that test a password strength can help users in evaluating their passwords. Will it take days, years or even longer to crack a selected password? That’s what How Secure Is My Password will tell you.

Just head over to the service’s website and enter a password in the form. You do not necessarily have to enter a password that you use actively. You can alternatively enter a comparable password to find out how long it would take to hack your password with a brute force, or maybe a combined dictionary and brute force attack.

Experienced computer users know that they need to pick passwords that contain upper and lower case letters, digits as well as special characters to make it secure. Length suggestions vary from 12 to 16 in most cases. The How Secure Is My Password service suggests to use passwords with a length of at least 16 characters.
The password checker can be an eye opener for users who are using weak passwords. You can try out the service here or check our How Secure Is A Password guide for suitable alternatives.
But the service is not only displaying the time it would approximately take to hack your password, it also displays information and tips that can help you select a more secure password. In addition, it compares the selected password against the list of the top 10k passwords used on the Internet.
The estimated time to hack a password is based on the processing power of a modern desktop PC. Depending on the infrastructure used, it may take considerable less time to hack a password.
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Kisah Nyata Yang Mengagumkan

November 27, 2011

‘Ali bin ‘Abdullah ad-Farbi berkata :
“Diantara cerita yang paling berkesan kepadaku adalah, ada empat orang dari salah satu lembaga bantuan (kemanusiaan) di Kerajaan Arab Saudi diutus untuk menyalurkan bantuan di pelosok hutan Afrika. Setelah berjalan kali selama empat jam dan setelah lelah berjalan, mereka (4 orang utusan ini, pent.) melewati seorang wanita tua di salah satu kemah dan mengucapkan salam kepadanya lalu memberikannya bantuan. Wanita tua itu bertanya kepada mereka : “Kalian dari negara mana?” Mereka pun menjawab : “Kami dari Kerajaan Arab Saudi.”
Lalu wanita tua itu berkata : “Sampaikan salamku untuk Syaikh Ibnu Baz.” Mereka bertanya, “Semoga Alloh merahmati Anda, bagaimana Ibnu Baz bisa mengenal Anda sedangkan Anda berada di lokasi yang terpencil dan jauh ini?”
Wanita renta itu menjawab : “Demi Alloh, sesungguhnya beliau (Syaikh Ibnu Baz) mengirimkan uang 1000 real kepadaku setiap bulan setelah aku mengirimkan sepucuk surat kepadanya untuk memohon bantuan dan pertolongan setelah (meminta) pertolongan Alloh Azza wa Jalla.”
(Tabloid Al-Madinah no 12182)

Adobe Releases Another Flash Security Update

A security update for Adobe Flash Player has been released today that fixes several critical security vulnerabilities that Adobe identified in the software. Affected by vulnerabilities are all desktop versions of Adobe Flash Player and earlier for Windows, Apple Macintosh, Linux and Solaris as well as Adobe Flash Player or earlier versions for the Android operating system. Adobe Air 3.0 and earlier are also affected by the security vulnerabilities.

Flash users are asked to visit the About Flash page to check the Flash version installed on their computer.

It is alternatively possible to right-click on Flash content to see the Flash Player version in the context menu.

November 27, 2011

Adobe recommends to update Flash Player to the newest version by downloading it from Adobe’s Flash Player Download Center. Is it alternatively possible to download Flash offline installers from the linked guide. Android users can update Flash by downloading the latest version from Android Market on their Android device. Google Chrome users do not need to run the update manually as it is automatically installed by the browser.
The security patch fixes several memory corruption, buffer overflow and stack overflow vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player that attackers could exploit to cause a crash on the system running Adobe Flash technologies. Code execution could then give the attacker control of the affected system.
Interested users can read the security bulletin over at the Adobe website. It offers additional information about each vulnerability found and download links to various technologies affected by the vulnerabilities.
The next big Flash release (that is Adobe Flash 11.2) will introduce automatic silent updates on Windows. This means that it will become more comfortable for Windows users to keep their installed version of Flash up to date on their system. See Flash Player 11.2 Introduces Automatic Updates for details.
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Jumat, 25 November 2011

Clear Your YouTube Viewing History, Workaround

November 26, 2011

Did you know that YouTube saves information about every video that you view on the video hosting site when you are logged into your Google account and also when you are not? And that those video views are saved indefinitely by the service?

The saving of YouTube video views may be a privacy issue to some users. While you could say that logging out of your account after using the computer resolves the issue, it is not that easy. Why? Because YouTube keeps track of viewed videos even if you are not logged into a Google account or a YouTube account.

Just visit the site, make sure you are not logged in and start watching a video. Once you are finished visit the YouTube History page. You should see that video listed there along with other videos that you have watched in the past while logged out of your Google or YouTube account.

YouTube uses cookies to monitor a user’s viewing history even if they are not logged in. Is that a privacy issue? I say it is, especially if you are not the only user who uses the computer.

To make matters worse, there is only one option to delete the viewing history. Visit the YouTube viewing history page. Actually, you need to visit the page twice if you watch videos when you are logged in and logged out.

You can delete individual videos by selecting them first and clicking the remove button afterwards, or all videos with a click on the clear all viewing history button.
This triggers the following prompt where you have to confirm the removal.

If you are never logged into Youtube or Google when viewing videos on YouTube, you can clear the viewing history automatically by deleting all YouTube cookies regularly (for instance on shutdown of the browser). Check out How To Clear Individual Cookies In Google Chrome or Selectively Block Cookies on Internet Explorer and Firefox In Realtime).
Users who are logged into their account when they view videos need to clear the viewing history manually regularly if they are concerned about their privacy.
There is another option for users who do not need a YouTube account but want to view videos. The core issue here is that YouTube will record the history when they are logged into other Google services. One option would be to launch YouTube in private browsing mode. Chrome users could use the Ghost Incognito extension to automate that process. This would log out the user automatically when logged in, and also clear cookies and other data on exit.
Does anyone know a better way of clearing YouTube’s viewing history? Let me know in the comments.
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Kamis, 24 November 2011

Intel Announce Knight’s Corner, 22nm, 50 Cores

November 25, 2011

Fancy a processor with 1 teraflop of processing power in your PC? Intel have today unveiled their new Knight’s Corner chip that uses a 22nm build process to pack a huge 50 cores onto the die. This new (MIC) Many Integrated Core chip isn’t for playing Battlefield 3, frankly it would be wasted on that. Instead this chip will be used solely for special scientific and engineering research into subjects like weather modelling, protein folding and cancer research.

What it means though is a huge leap forward in processing power and this can have the benefits of enabling supercomputers to perform vastly more calculations per second than are currently available, or for far smaller supercomputers to be constructed that would not only be considerably cheaper than today’s machines, but that would also consume much less electricity.

As and when this technology filters down towards the consumer level this will mean smaller and much more energy-efficient datacentres and rack servers that can support up to fifty virtualised environments simultaneously.

Obviously the huge memory required to support running this many VMs is not supported by modern server single-processor motherboards.  Intel will be busy now designing a new generation of motherboards to harness the full power of Knight’s Corner.
There’s no word yet on how much a single Knight’s Corner ship will cost and even who will be able to buy one.  There’s also no word on how reliable the new chip will be.  It is after-all, state of the art technology and packing so many processing cores into a single die will have enormous side-effects and will require some serious cooling.  Intel is obviously happy enough with their new monster though that they’re happy to put it on sale.
Intel say the Knight’s Corner chip is “fully accessible and programmable” and is “visible to applications as though it was  a computers that runs its own Linux-based operating system, independent of the host OS.”
The benefits of this new architecture are the ability to run existing applications without the need to port the code to a new programming environment, according to Tom’s Hardware.  This means that scientists will be able to use the chip with existing x86 and x64 applications and code which will save everything having to be rewritten for the new chip.
The next generation of processors for PCs will also be based on a 22nm manufacturing process that will make them faster and considerably more power-efficient.  Every generation of processors now consume much less energy than the ones before them and a processor has even been demonstrated now that consumes less power when working flat out than a standard PC chip today does when in standby.
With such enormous jumps being made up to 50 cores already, only a few short years after the first dual core chips arrived, it’s clear that it won’t be very long before we see more cores appearing on the desktop and in mobile devices.  Now the operating system manufacturers will need to start engineering their next generation products to leverage the power of these cores effectively to maximise the benefits they bring.
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3 Idiot

Link Download :

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Mediafire Password :

Google Showing Ads In Chrome Browser, Is This The Beginning Of The End?

November 25, 2011

Internet users are accustomed to seeing ads on Internet pages. One of the most prominent advertisement schemes used these days is Google Adsense which is available for websites, searches on websites and for mobile devices. Adword ads dominate the Google search result pages, and other Google properties are also displaying their fair share of ads.
Salimane Adjao Moustapha recently posted a photo of another place where Google (seemingly) has started to display ads: The Chrome browser. The screenshot shows a new tab page of the Chrome browser. The Apps section is open and at the top of it is an ad for Google’s own Chromebook. It states: Get a Chromebook for the holidays: the computer powered by Chrome.
The first part of the ad is underlined. It is not clear where it leads to as it is not revealed by Salimane, and I was not able to reproduce it.

The post on Google Plus sums up all the different opinions about the ad in Chrome. Some say it is Google’s right to display ads because the browser is free. Others that they should not do so without giving the user control over the ads. A third group is suggesting to switch to Firefox or Chromium. And a last group is angry but not angry enough to switch just yet. It would not make much sense either at the time considering that the majority may not have seen ads in Chrome yet.
I’d like to know your opinion about ads in web browsers. Do you think it is ok for Google to display ads in the browser, especially if it is for other company products? Or would you say that ads in a browser are a no-go, regardless of what they promote?
My personal opinion on the matter is that Chrome has turned adware if Google makes the decision to display these kind of ads to all Chrome users. It does not really matter if the ads promote Google products or third party products, it is still an ad.

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Rabu, 23 November 2011

Firefox SearchWP, Adds Text Highlighting To The Search Bar

November 24, 2011

I have to admit that I’m not using Firefox’s built-in search bar to search on the Internet. I use the space for other interface elements and search directly on sites that offer search. It is a trade-off, other users make use of the search bar in the browser. One of the things that is missing here however is a word highlighting option to find the words or phrases entered in the search form on the search results’ page.

While you could use the Ctrl-f combination for that, it is not the most comfortable thing to do. SearchWP adds another interesting option. The Firefox add-on adds word highlighting capabilities to the Firefox search bar.

It works automatically once it has been installed in the browser. All search terms that you enter into the search bar are automatically converted to buttons. These buttons act as word highlighters for that particular page.

A click on one of the buttons highlights the next instance of that word on the page. This interestingly enough works on other open web pages in the browser as well. Just enter a word or words into the search form without searching. The add-on converts the words automatically into buttons which can then be used on all pages to highlight the text there.

Firefox users who have the add-on installed in their version of the browser can cycle through all instances of the word on the active page easily this way. They can also search backwards on the page by holding down the Shift key while clicking. Phrases can be added by using quotation marks around the phrase.

Many users have used the extension as a replacement for a similar feature of Google’s Toolbar which has been discontinued a while ago.
The extension ships with three options. It is first possible to enable or disable word highlighting with or without case matching. The other two options let users select the minimum number of characters a search word needs to have to be converted into a button, and the option to group all word tokens into a single menu at the end of the search form.
SearchWP is a handy add-on for Firefox users who want their search terms highlighted in the search results. The add-on can be downloaded from the official Firefox add-on repository over at the Mozilla website.
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Selasa, 22 November 2011

Facebook Improves Friend Lists, Introduces Smart Lists

November 23, 2011

Facebook has just announced that they are updating and improving friend lists on the social networking sites. The improved friend lists are said to make it easier for users to see updates from particular lists and share with lists of friends and contacts.

Three improvements have been made to lists. Smart Lists are created automatically by Facebook. These lists use profile information to sort friends into Work, School, Family and City smart lists. You may have noticed that those are all based on profile information. This should make it easier according to Facebook to share with a particular group of friends on the site, for instance with college friends or family to plan the next vacation.

For instance, if you list Boston College as a school you’ve attended and your friends John and Sarah do too, then you would instantly have a smart list called “Boston College” with John and Sarah on it. This means that if you’re having a grad party or a college reunion, you can easily share photos with just your college friends, without bothering other people you know.

It is possible to customize those lists to remove or add friends manually to make them more accurate.

The Close Friends and Acquaintances Lists are manual lists that do not get populated automatically. Facebook users can move their best friends into the Close Friends list to see everything they post in their News Feed. Acquaintances on the other hand can be old classmates or business contacts, but Facebook will only show important events like when they marry or move to a new city.

There is also a Restricted list for people that Facebook users like but do not want to share with, like their boss or parents for instance.

Okay, what about your boss or the few other people you like but just don’t want to share with on Facebook? You can add these folks to your Restricted list and they will only see your Public posts. You’ll still be friends on Facebook so you can send them messages or tag them in a post if you want to connect to them from time to time. It’s totally up to you.

The third improvement is a better suggestions algorithm for all types of friend lists on Facebook. It basically allows users to add new friends to a new or existing list to make the process more fluent and straightforward.

Each list has its own news feed, and it is also possible to post a status update to one of the existing lists directly from the post form.

The new and improved Friend lists on Facebook will be available to all of the social networking site’s users later this week.
The options move Facebook closer to the circles of Google Plus. Users who have not configured Friend Lists yet will be able to use Smart Lists automatically which might be enough to convince them to use the lists feature on Facebook in the future.
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Steam Forum Hacked, Time To Panic?

November 23, 2011

The Steam forums were for a time not accessible a few days ago. What felt like a hardware or software issue at that time was actually more serious than this. Users who visit the Steam forums today see an announcement on the first page that informs them that the Steam forum and Steam databases have been attacked. Among the stolen information are Steam user names, encrypted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and even encrypted credit card information.

Valve at this point in time has no evidence that the intruders were able to crack or access credit card numbers or user passwords.

The forums have been taken offline for the time being until the investigation ends. Forum users will be asked to change their password the next time they log into the forums once they are accessible again.
Steam accounts do not seem to be affected according to Valve as forum accounts and Steam accounts are not identical.
Users who have a Steam forum account should do the following:
  • Change Steam account and other passwords if it is the same as the forum account password.
  • Monitor their Credit Card statements if they have ever paid by Credit Card on Steam.
  • Be aware of the possibility of targeted phishing attacks, e.g. disguising as Valve.
It is unlikely that attackers will be able to decrypt the credit card information or passwords. What they may do however is to run a dictionary of the top 1000 passwords against all user accounts to get full access to those accounts. Users who have used weak passwords for their Steam forum account need to change the password as soon as the forums come back up. They also need to make 100% sure that the password is not used for any other services, e.g. their email address or social networking sites. It is recommended to change the password on those sites and services right away to avoid further damage.
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Configure your Ubuntu Server as a DHCP server

In my recent Ubuntu Server articles I have covered the following topics:

Installing Ubuntu Server 9.04

Set up your new Ubuntu Server as a Samba server

Add FTP service to your Ubuntu Server

Now it’s time to get a bit deeper in the trenches by configuring that same Ubuntu server to serve up DHCP addresses. You might think this is a difficult setup, but it’s not. And many might be asking “Why do this when my router does the trick?” Most routers do a good job of serving up DHCP addresses. But there are times when those routers aren’t as configurable as we’d like them. Or maybe you want your DHCP server/router to also act as a much stronger firewall than what a standard router can handle. In these cases it’s nice to be able to set up your own DHCP server. And in this article, we will do just that.

Nuts and bolts

The information you should know about the DHCP server in this article looks like this (for examples’ sake):

* ethernet device: eth0
* IP Address range: –
* Subnet address:
* Netmask:
* DNS Servers: and (OpenDNS for those who do not know)
* Domain:
* Gateway Address:
* Broadcast Address:

What you will need to do install the dhcp3-server package in order to serve up the addresses. To install this issue the command:

sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server

You will need to enter your sudo password for the installation to begin. When the installation is complete you will have the configuration file (dhcp3-server) located in /etc/default/ and the executable command (dhcp3-server) will be located in /etc/init.d/.

Before you fire up the server you first must handle some configuration.


The first configuration is to set the ethernet device. Open up the configuration file with the command:

nano /etc/default/dhcp3-server

On line 11 of this file (Which is actually the last line because this file is basically empty) you will see the line:


Change this line to read:


You are finished with this file. Save the file and then open up the file /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf. The first line you will need to edit is line 16. This line will look like this:
# option definitions common to all supported networks...
option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

You need to comment out all of those lines so they look like:
# option definitions common to all supported networks...
#option domain-name "";
#option domain-name-servers,;

#default-lease-time 600;
#max-lease-time 7200;

Now go down to line 53. Here you will see this section:
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
#subnet netmask {
# range;
# option domain-name-servers;
# option domain-name "";
# option routers;
# option broadcast-address;
# default-lease-time 600;
# max-lease-time 7200;

This section needs to be uncommented out and edited to reflect this:
# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers,;
option domain-name "";
option routers;
option broadcast-address;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

Save this file and you are ready to fire up your DHCP server.

Starting the service

To start the DHCP server issue the command:

/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start

You should see no errors. Once your server is up and running go to one of your machines and restart the networking. You should get a new IP address as well as the DNS addresses configured. If your machine does not find the server you may have to configure the DHCP server IP address. This should not be necessary, but it’s good to know in a pinch.

Final thoughts

You probably didn’t realize how simple it would be to set up a DHCP server did you? Now you know. This set up should make for a very reliable DHCP server for your internal network.
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Senin, 21 November 2011

How To Calculate a TCP-IP Subnet Mask

November 22, 2011

If you’re a network administrator, chances are at some point you may need to set up a number of different networks on your IP range. In order to do this, you will need to know how to create different subnets.

There are two main things to remember when trying to calculate subnets. The first is that that default subnet for a range is This subnet, that we all recognize gives you one network with 255 different addresses from 1 to 255. Fairly easy stuff so far. The second thing to remember is the formula needed to calculate a new subnet. For this we have to go back to basics and remember that the number 255 is made up in binary of 8 bits. To get the number 255, all those 8 bits would be set to 1, each one representing a number in decimal in the following sequence. (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128). If you add all these numbers together you get 255.

In order to create our subnet mask we need to “borrow” a certain number of bits from our host address. The host address is the last number in the group of four that makes up our subnet. So in the subnet, the 0 is the host address.

We can use the formula (2^n – 2) to figure out how many networks we can make by borrowing certain number of bits. Lets say for example we wanted to make six networks; we would need to borrow 3 bits, because (2^3 – 2 = 6). So we take the three bits from the left of our binary sequence and add them together. (128 + 64 + 32 = 224). So the subnet we need to use for our 6-network system is

Now we’ve calculated our subnet, the next thing we need to do is work out the ranges of our new networks. This is a fairly easy thing to do if you remember one rule. The lowest number in the bits we borrowed from our host address is our guide. In this case, the bits we borrowed were 128, 64 and 32. The lowest of these is 32, so this is our guide number we’re going to use to set up our network ranges.

What you want to do is start off with your guide number, and that gives you the first address of our first network. For example – To get the starting address of the second network, you just add on 32. So the second network will begin at Keep adding the number 32 to find the other network starting points, and you’ll end up with this network address range map:

* Network 1: –
* Network 2: –
* Network 3: –
* Network 4: –
* Network 5: –
* Network 6: –

Note that you cannot use the first 32 or last 32 addresses of the entire 255 address range, (unless you’re using specific equipment that allows it). And there you have it, we’ve calculated our subnet mask, and we’ve worked out the ranges our networks will use. Remember the formula (2^n – 2) and your binary numbers, and you’ll be able to work out any configuration of subnets and networks.
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Gmail Login Page

It is usually not that hard to access the Gmail login page. Most users simply need to point their web browser at the standard Gmail address to access their email accounts. But, this address is not working in all countries and some users do regularly experience difficulties when trying to connect to the Gmail web interface. These users have several different options at hand to log into Gmail to read and send emails.
Probably the most popular is the configuration of Gmail in a desktop email software program like Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. This gets rid of any problems the user might experience in the Gmail web interface and is usually recommended for users who experience Gmail login problems.
Users who want to configure Gmail in a desktop email program can look at the support page at the Gmail website to find instructions for several email clients.
Gmail login problems can also be related to the account, for instance when the user forgot the Gmail password or username. A Gmail help page is available that can aid the user in retrieving this data so that a Gmail login once again is possible with that account.
Users looking for the main Gmail login page can visit this url to log into Gmail right now.
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Minggu, 20 November 2011

Misteri Hujan Berwarna Merah di India (Hujan Darah)

November, 21, 2011

 Misteri memang tidak pernah punah dari dunia ini. Kini, mari kita ungkap misteri hujan darah di India ini dengan sains. Anda semua juga bisa melihat video hujan darah India ini di bagian paling bawah!
Inilah penjelasan hujan darah atau hujan merah ini
Lebih dari 500.000 meter kubik air hujan berwarna merah tercurah ke bumi. Pada mulanya ilmuwan mengira air hujan yang berwarna merah itu disebabkan oleh pasir gurun, namun para Ilmuwan menemukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan, unsur merah di dalam air tersebut adalah sel hidup, sel yang bukan berasal dari bumi !
sel hujan berwarna merah
Menurut ilmuwan setempat unsur merah di dalam air tersebut adalah sel hidup, sel yang bukan berasal dari bumi
Hujan yang pertama jatuh di distrik Kottayam dan Idukki di wilayah selatan India. Bukan hanya hujan berwarna merah, 10 hari pertama dilaporkan turunnya hujan berwarna kuning, hijau dan bahkan hitam. Setelah 10 hari, intensitas curah hujan mereda hingga September.
Hujan tersebut turun hanya pada wilayah yang terbatas dan biasanya hanya berlangsung sekitar 20 menit per hujan. Para penduduk lokal menemukan baju-baju yang dijemur berubah warna menjadi merah seperti darah. Penduduk lokal juga melaporkan adanya bunyi ledakan dan cahaya terang yang mendahului turunnya hujan yang dipercaya sebagai ledakan meteor.
Contoh air hujan tersebut segera dibawa untuk diteliti oleh pemerintah India dan ilmuwan. Salah satu ilmuwan independen yang menelitinya adalah Godfrey Louis dan Santosh Kumara dari Universitas Mahatma Gandhi.
Mereka mengumpulkan lebih dari 120 laporan dari penduduk setempat dan mengumpulkan sampel air hujan merah dari wilayah sepanjang 100 km. Pertama kali mereka mengira bahwa partikel merah di dalam air adalah partikel pasir yang terbawa dari gurun Arab.
Hal ini pernah terjadi pada Juli 1968 dimana pasir dari gurun sahara terbawa angin hingga menyebabkan hujan merah di Inggris. Namun mereka menemukan bahwa unsur merah di dalam air tersebut bukanlah butiran pasir, melainkan sel-sel yang hidup.
Komposisi sel tersebut terdiri dari 50% Karbon, 45% Oksigen dan 5% unsur lain seperti besi dan sodium, konsisten dengan komponen sel biologi lainnya, dan sel itu juga membelah diri. Sel itu memiliki diameter antara 3-10 mikrometer dengan dinding sel yang tebal dan memiliki variasi nanostruktur didalam membrannya.
Namun tidak ada nukleus yang dapat diidentifikasi. Setiap meter kubik sampel yang diambil, terdapat 100 gram unsur merah. Jadi apabila dijumlah, maka dari Juli hingga September terdapat 50 ton partikel merah yang tercurah ke Bumi.
Di Universitas Sheffield, Inggris, seorang ahli mikrobiologis bernama Milton Wainwright mengkonfirmasi bahwa unsur merah tersebut adalah sel hidup. Hal ini dinyatakan karena Wainwright berhasil menemukan adanya DNA dari unsur sel tersebut walaupun ia belum berhasil mengekstraknya.
Karena partikel merah tersebut adalah sel hidup, maka para ilmuwan mengajukan teori bahwa partikel merah itu adalah darah. Menurut mereka, kemungkinan batu meteor yang meledak di udara telah membantai sekelompok kelelawar di udara. Namun teori ini ditolak karena tidak adanya bukti-bukti yang mendukung seperti sayap kelelawar yang jatuh ke bumi.
Dengan menghubungkan antara suara ledakan dan cahaya yang mendahului hujan tersebut, Louis mengemukakan teori bahwa sel-sel merah tersebut adalah makhluk ekstra terestrial. Louis menyimpulkan bahwa materi merah tersebut datang dari sebuah komet yang memasuki atmosfer bumi dan meledak di atas langit India.
Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa doktoral dari Universitas Queen, Irlandia yang bernama Patrick McCafferty menemukan catatan sejarah yang menghubungkan hujan berwarna dengan ledakan meteor.
McCafferty menganalisa 80 laporan mengenai hujan berwarna, 20 laporan air berubah menjadi darah dan 68 contoh fenomena mirip seperti hujan hitam, hujan susu atau madu yang turun dari langit.
36 persen dari contoh tersebut ternyata terhubung dengan aktivitas meteor atau komet. Peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut terjadi mulai dari Romawi kuno, Irlandia dan Inggris abad pertengahan dan bahkan Kalifornia abad ke-19.
McCafferty mengatakan, “Å“kelihatannya ada hubungan yang kuat antara laporan hujan berwarna dengan aktivitas meteor, Hujan merah Kerala cocok dengan pola-pola tersebut dan tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja.”
Jadi, apakah hujan merah di Kerala berasal dari luar bumi ? Sebagian ilmuwan yang skeptis serta merta menolak teori ini. Namun sebagian ilmuwan lain yang belum menemukan jawabannya segera melirik kembali ke sebuah teori usang yang diajukan oleh ahli fisika Sir Fred Hoyle dan Dr Chandra Wickramasinghe, teori yang disebut Panspermia, yaitu sebuah teori yang menyatakan bahwa kehidupan di bumi ini berasal dari luar angkasa.
Menurut kedua ilmuwan tersebut pada mulanya di luar angkasa terdapat awan gas antar bintang yang mengandung bakteri. Ketika awan itu mengerut karena gravitasi untuk membentuk sistem bintang, bakteri yang ada di dalamnya tetap bertahan hidup di dalam komet.
Ketika komet itu terkena sinar matahari, panas matahari mencairkan permukaan es pada komet, bakteri-bakteri tersebut lolos dan tersapu ke planet-planet terdekat. Teori ini juga didasarkan pada argumen Charles darwin bahwa sesungguhnya bakteri memiliki karakteristis ‘luar bumi’.
Sumber dari :

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

NOAA’s Office of Education announced that it has awarded grants totaling $10.8 million to four lead minority-serving institutions across the country to train and graduate students who pursue applied research in NOAA-related scientific fields.
Awards were made to four lead universities — City College of New York, Florida A&M University, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, and Howard University — which partnered with 20 other schools to form four cooperative science centers. The centers will train students in remote sensing, environmental science, living marine resources, and atmospheric science — all core scientific fields for NOAA.
The awards may grow to $15 million over five years for each lead center, depending on performance and appropriations.
“These awards enable us to develop a strong, well trained, diverse workforce for NOAA and the nation,” said Dr. Jane Lubchenco, under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. “These grants recognize the importance of STEM fields — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — to the future of America’s ability to innovate and compete in the global community.”
The awards were made through NOAA’s Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions. Since the first awards were made in 2001, NOAA cooperative science centers have trained 1,766 students, with 921 of them earning degrees in NOAA-related fields. NOAA has hired 100 center-trained graduates.
The long term goal of NOAA's Educational Partnership Program is to increase the number of students, particularly from underrepresented communities, who attend minority serving institutions and graduate with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
“America's future ability to compete and succeed globally depends on the investments we make today in science, technology, engineering and math education,” said Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee which funds NOAA. “I am proud that this grant from NOAA will give minority students across the country additional building blocks they need to focus their education and jumpstart their careers. I will continue to fight for federal investments to support the innovation and scientific research that has the power to save lives, create prosperity and keep America competitive in the global arena.”
The awards were announced in a ceremony on Capitol Hill attended by Under Secretary Lubchenco and representatives of the lead and partner institutions, and co-hosted by U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania, and U.S. Rep. Jose Serrano of New York, as well as.
All center awards were made after a rigorous competitive peer review process by external reviewers from academia and other federal agencies.
FY 2011 NOAA EPP Center Award Recipients
NOAA Center for Remote Sensing Science and Technology
Lead institution – City College of New York.
  • Hampton University (Va.)
  • University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
  • California State University at Los Angeles
  • University of Maryland Baltimore County
NOAA Environmental Cooperative Science Center
Lead institution – Florida A&M University
  • Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
  • Delaware State University
  • Jackson State University (Miss.)
  • University of Texas at Brownsville
  • Creighton University (Neb.)
NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences
Lead institution – Howard University (D.C.)
  • Jackson State University (Miss.)
  • University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (P.R.)
  • University of Texas at El Paso
  • University of Maryland College Park
  • State University of New York at Albany
NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
Lead institution – University of Maryland Eastern Shore
  • Delaware State University
  • Hampton University (Va.)
  • Savannah State University (Ga.)
  • University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
  • University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology
  • Oregon State University
NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media channels.

Source : <a href=""></a>

Kamis, 17 November 2011

Gameloft Butuh 300 Tenaga Kerja Lulusan AMIKOM

STMIK AMIKOM kembali dikunjungi oleh Gameloft, salah satu perusahaan developer games ternama di dunia. Pada kunjungan kali ini, Gameloft mendatangkan HRD Gameloft dari Vietnam, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien dan HR Manager Gameloft Indonesia, Winda Wastu Melati.

Pada kedatangan kali ini, AMIKOM yang diwakili oleh Bpk Erik Hadi Saputra selaku Kabag Humas AMIKOM membahas tentang rencana rekrutmen yang akan dilaksanakan di STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Proses rekrutmen ini akan disertai dengan seminar dan informasi seputar Gameloft yang menurut rencana akan dilaksanakan pada 10 Januari 2011 mendatang.
Gameloft adalah pengedar dan pengembang permainan video yang berkantor pusat di Prancis, dengan kantornya yang tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia termasuk di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Saat ini Gameloft membutuhkan sebanyak 300 tenaga kerja namun hingga saat ini baru 45 yang terpenuhi. AMIKOM sebagai kampus IT di Jogja menjadi salah satu tempat pilihan Gameloft untuk mengadakan rekrutmen tenaga kerja. Dan diharapkan alumni AMIKOM dapat mengisi kebutuhan tenaga kerja tersebut.

Dalam rapat pembahasan jadwal rekrutmen tersebut, Miss Hien membahas tentang statistik mahasiswa yang ada di AMIKOM. Beliau mengatakan bahwa Gameloft membutuhkan tenaga yang menguasai pemrograman Java atau C++.

Kedatangan kali ini menambah sederet daftar kerja sama AMIKOM dengan Gameloft. Sebelumnya AMIKOM juga pernah mengadakan rekrutmen Gameloft pada bulan Juli 2010 yang lalu. Selain itu, AMIKOM juga pernah berpartisipasi dalam menyukseskan acara Gameloft Career Day yang berlangsung pada September 2010. Awal kerjasama ini terjadi ketika Sebastien Auligny, General Director Gameloft, mengunjungi AMIKOM untuk pertama kalinya pada Juli 2010.

Tentu banyak orang yang ingin bekerja di perusahaan sekelas Gameloft. Beberapa game yang telah digarap oleh Gameloft sendiri sudah tidak asing lagi bagi penggemar mobile game. Sebut saja Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, Asphalt, dll. Gameloft juga disebut-sebut sebagai developer game terbaik ke-2 di dunia setelah Electronic Arts. Dan rekrutmen yang akan dilaksanakan Januari nanti, akan menjadi peluang emas bagi mahasiswa AMIKOM untuk dapat mewujudkan mimpi bekerja di perusahaan yang bertaraf internasiona


Selasa, 15 November 2011

Manfaat E-Commerce bagi Perusahaan,Konsumen, dan Masyarakat

Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membahas tentang Manfaat E-Commerce bagi Perusahaan,Konsumen, dan Masyarakat. Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) sangat penting dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Perusahaan, konsumen, atau pun masyrakat akan selalu menggunakan e-commerce dalam menjalani aktivitas bisnisnya. Berikut ini adalah manfaat e-commerce bagi perusahaan, konsumen dan masyarakat :

Manfaat bagi Perusahaan :

1. Jangkauan global

2. Pengurangan biaya operasi

3. Perbaikan rantai pasokan

4. Penambahan jam buka: 24/7/365

5. Kustomisasi

6. Model bisnis baru

7. Spesialisasi vendor

8. Kecepatan time-to-market

9. Biaya komunikasi/koordinasi lebih rendah

10. Efisiensi pengadaan

11. Meningkatkan hubungan dengan konsumen

12. Informasi yang up-to-date

13. Tidak harus membayar pajak/biaya usaha fisik

Manfaat bagi Konsumen :

1. “Dimana saja – kapan saja”

2. Lebih banyak pilihan produk dan jasa

3. Harga lebih murah

4. Pengiriman/penyampaian segera

5. Ketersediaan informasi

6. Kesempatan berpartisipasi

7. Wahana komunitas elektronik

8. Personalisasi, sesuai selera

9. Tidak dikenai pajak penjualan

Manfaat bagi Masyarakat :

1. Memungkinkan telecommuting

2. Peningkatan kualitas hidup

3. Dapat menolong masyarakat yang kurang mampu

Kemudahan mendapatkan layanan umum

Demikian pembahasan tentang Manfaat E-Commerce bagi Perusahaan,Konsumen, dan Masyarakat.
tag : manfaat e-commerce , keuntungan e-commerce bagi pelanggan , manfaat e-commerce bagi masyarakat , keuntungan e-commerce bagi perusahaan , keuntungan perusahaan menggunakan e-commerce , apa keuntungan bagi perusahaan menggunakan e-commerce dan apa keuntungan bagi pelanggan , keuntungan bagi perusahaan menggunakan e-commerce , manfaat e-commerce bagi perusahaan , manfaat e-commerce bagi konsumen , keuntungan e-commerce bagi konsumen

Minggu, 13 November 2011

Kevin D Mitnick

Kevin David Mitnick lahir di Los Angeles, California, 47 tahun silam. Kevin merupakan seorang maniak komputer di masa mudanya. Keluarganya bukanlah keluarga berada, sehingga Kevin menyalurkan hobi dan bakat alaminya tersebut dengan sarana seadanya. Kevin Mitnick bukanlah sosok malaikat. Dirinya adalah salah satu pelaku Cyber Crime (kejahatan dunia maya) paling terkenal di dunia hingga saat ini. Karir kejahatan nya dimulai sejak umur 12 tahun. Kevin memanfaatkan kemampuan social engineering nya untuk mengelabui sistem pembayaran kartu bus di kota Los Angeles, sehingga dirinya dapat bebas naik dan turun bus di sebagian besar kota Los Angeles tanpa perlu membayar. Pada usia 17 tahun Kevin Mitnick untuk pertama kalinya merasakan tidur di balik jeruji penjara. Dirinya terbukti melakukan hacking pada jaringan komputer COSMOS (Computer System Mainstrem Operation) milik perusahaan telepon Pacific Bell di Los Angeles. Perusahaan ini merupakan sentral database telepon Amerika. Waktu singkat di dalam hotel prodeo tidak menyurutkan hasrat Kevin. Pada tahun 1983, 3 tahun setelah tertangkap, Kevin kembali melancarkan aksinya. kali ini korbannya adalah sistem keamanan PENTAGON. Kevin Mitnick menembus jaringan ketat sistem tersebut lewat program bernama ARPAnet, yang dilakukannya melalui terminal kampus USC (University of Southern California). Setelah peristiwa tersebut Kevin rehat sejenak dari dunia hacker. Namun hal tersebut tidak berlangsung lama, pada tahun 1987, dirinya dituduh telah menyusup ke dalam jaringan perusahaan Santa Cruz Organization, perusahaan software yang bergerak di sistem operasi unix. Kasus ini menyeretnya kembali ke dalam penjara selama 3 tahun. Setelah masa hukuman usai, lagi-lagi Mitnick berulah. Sistem Operasi VMS milik Digital Equipment Corporation dibajaknya. Namun kali ini Mitnick tidak bekerja sendiri. Ia dibantu oleh seorang teman bernama Lenny Cicicco. Perbuatan tersebut mengantarkan Mitnick kembali ke balik terali untuk 1 tahun. Kevin Mitnick memang seorang adiktif komputer sejati. Sampai pengacaranya sendiri menjuluki perbuatannya sebagai kecanduan pada komputer yang tidak bisa dihentikan. Selepas dari penjara setelah kejadian tersebut, Mitnick sedikit tobat dan bekerja secara normal di Tel Tec Detective, sebuah perusahaan mailing list di Las Vegas, Nevada. Namun ketika FBI memeriksa perusahaan tersebut, mereka menemukan keganjilan pada sistem jaringan komputernya. Tak heran lagi, Mitnick pun kembali dicurigai dan dinobatkan sebagai Most Wanted Hacker oleh Biro Federal kelas dunia itu. Kejadian tersebut membuat Kevin Mitnick harus menjalani kehidupan nomaden selama beberapa waktu. Dirinya tak bisa tetap tinggal di satu tempat dan harus berpindah dari satu kota ke kota lain. Namun Mitnick tetap melakukan hobinya selama menjalani hidup yang demikian. Tercatat jaringan sistem sejumlah perusahaan besar telah berhasil ditembusnya pada periode itu. Antara lain : Fujitsu, Motorola, Nokia, dan Sun Microsystems. Petualangan Mitnick menghindari kejaran FBI berakhir pada tahun 1995 silam. FBI berhasil membekuknya dengan bantuan seorang hacker berdarah Jepang yang juga pernah menjadi korban Mitnick bernama Tsutomu Shimomura. Namun faktor utama yang menyebabkan Mitnick tertangkap adalah keteledorannya. Ia menggunakan layanan penyimpanan dari rekening milik seseorang yang dibobolnya dan layanan tersebut menginformasikan kepada pemilik rekening bahwa rekeningnya sudah melebihi batas yang sudah ditentukan (over quota). Mitnick ditangkap di kediamannya di daerah Raleigh, North Carolina ketika sedang melacak balik para pengejarnya. Mitnick dipenjara secara kontroversial setelah kejadian tersebut. Selama 4 tahun dirinya mendekam di balik terali besi tanpa kepastian hukum dan pengajuan ke pengadilan. Namun pada tahun 2000 ia dibebaskan dengan syarat tidak boleh memegang komputer. Mitnick harus hidup dengan menahan hasrat dan hobinya selama kurang lebih 2 tahun. Pada tahun 2002 ia baru diperbolehkan memegang komputer lagi, dan setahun setelahnya, 2003, Mitnick diperbolehkan memiliki akses internet lagi. Kevin Mitnick menempati posisi pertama Hall Of Fame of Hacker dari The Discovery karena kemampuan hackingnya yang mencakup software dan hardware. Selain itu, Mitnick memiliki bakat alam di bidang social engineering dan manipulasi terhadap informasi. Kini Kevin Mitnick hidup normal dan berhenti total dari dunia hacker. Dirinya malah mendirikan perusahaan konsultan security jaringan internet di sebuah situs bernama dan juga menulis sejumlah buku tentang dunia yang digelutinya, diantaranya berjudul "The Art Of Intrusion" , "The Art Of Deception" dan "Hacking" yang menjadi best seller. Kisah hidup Kevin Mitnick pernah diangkat ke layar lebar pada tahun 2004 lalu dalam film bertajuk Takedown. Dirinya diperankan oleh aktor Skeet Ulrich

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Cara Menemukan Ide untuk Tema Situs Adsense

Published: November 12, 2011

Apa masalah yang dihadapi ketika pertama kali memutuskan untuk menekuni Google Adsense? Diluar masalah teknis seperti bagaimana cara membuat web, pertanyaan utama dan klasik adalah “Saya mau membuat situs tentang apa ?” Kelihatannya sepele, tapi banyak orang yang tidak segera memulai karena tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan sederhana ini. Memang jawabannya susah-susah gampang. Artikel di bawah ini mungkin bisa membantu anda untuk menemukan tema apa yang akan digunakan di situs adsense anda.

Dalam artikel sebelumnya (Mendulang Dollar dengan Google Adsense) sudah dijelaskan bahwa untuk memulai bisnis adsense kita harus mempunyai sebuah situs. Ya, situs ibarat toko dan adsense ibarat isinya. Terus, apa masalah yang mungkin dihadapi ketika pertama kali memulai bisnis adsense? Mungkin ada yang bilang, tidak mengerti bagaimana cara membuat situs, OK, ada benarnya, tapi sekarang bisa dipecahkan dengan membuat blog, seperti di blogger ( yang navigasinya sudah sangat-sangat user friendly bagi pemula sekalipun. Pertanyaan yang muncul, mungkin lebih ke “Saya mau membuat situs tentang apa?” atau “Apa tema (niche) situs yang akan saya buat?” Tul gak? Ok, mari kita bahas lebih detail.

Secara umum ada dua cara untuk menemukan ide tentang topic situs (niche website) yang akan dibuat, pertama dari keahlian yang dimiliki atau hobi yang dipunyai. Seandainya anda seorang montir, buatlah situs tentang tips-tips merawat kendaraan misalnya, atau seorang broker property, bisa membuat situs tentang bagaimana cara membeli rumah sesuai dengan keinginan dan harga yang miing. Bisa juga dari hobi, misalnya anda mempunyai hobi merawat tanaman adenium atau ikan koi, bisa membuat situs tentang hal tsb. Keunggulan membuat membuat situs tentang keahlian atau hobi kita adalah kita mempunyai sumbar dan energi yang tidak terbatas untuk terus mengembangkan dan mengupdate situs kita. Ingat, secara umum situs adsense merupakan situs yang menjual informasi, semakin berguna, spesifik, dan unik informasi yang kita berikan. maka situs kita akan mendapat banyak pengunjung dan tentu saja akan meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk mengklik iklan-iklan yang ada di situs kita.

Cara yang kedua, mirip dengan cara pedagang general supplier atau kadang terkenal denga istilah “Elo cari apa aja gue ada”. Ya, kita membuat tema situs sesuai dengan demand atau tuntutan pasar atau dengan topic yang banyak dicari orang di internet, atau topic apa yang lag “hot” di saat itu, seperti pedagang buah, lagi musim durian, jualan durian, musim duku jual duku dsb. hukum dagang menyebutkan, jika anda mau membuat suatu produk, buatlah produk yang paling banyak dicari tapi sedikit penyuplainya.

Hukum ekonomi supply dan demand berlaku juga untuk bisnis google, semakin tinggi permintaan (demand) dan semakin sedikit pemasok (supply), maka semakin bagus. Topik yang paling bagus untuk dijadikan situs niche adalah topic yang yang paling banyak dicari para pengguna intenet, tetapi hanya sedikit situs yang memuat infomasi tersebut. Dalam dunia adsense, topic yang dimaksud diwakili oleh kata kunci (keyword) dan dan supply diwakili oleh hasil pencarian.

Bagaimana cara mengetahui keyword (demand) yang paling banyak dicari? Untuk pemula, anda bisa menggunakan di, sebenarnya ada beberapa situs yang menawarkan software berbayar untuk pencarian keyword (seperti atau, coba search di google dengan kata kunci “high paying keywords”), namun untuk pemula, yang gratisan saja sudah cukup. Yup, sekarang dimulai, studi kasus lagi, kembali ke situs contoh , awalnya dibentuk dengan riset kata kunci welding, kenapa topiknya welding (pengelasan)?, karena saya punya kompetensi dibidang itu, masukkan kata ke overture dan akan keluar hasil pencarian pada bulan sebelumnya.

Catatan: Tools di overture ini merupakan gambaran banyaknya pencarian di, untuk estimasi pencarian di google, hasil di overture dikalikan tiga.

Terlihat dari overture bahwa pada bulan Februari 2007, kata welding dicari sebanyak 64023 Kali, dan terdapat juga kata-kata yang mempunyai frasa dengan music. Berarti demandnya cukup tinggi ya, nah sekarang kita ingin tahu kondisi supply dengan menggunakan Woow… ternyata hasi pencarian untuk keyword welding di google mencapai 33,6 juta kata, sudah terlalu banyak suplainya (terlalu banyak saingan ya).

Catatan: Tidak ada jumlah yang pasti berapa perbandingan antara yang dicari dengan hasil pencarain yang layak untuk dijadikan sebuah situs niche. Namun para pengguna adsense biasanya memakai patokan > 3000 yang dicari (overture). Jadi terus bagaimana dong? Berarti membuat website tentang welding gak feasible dong? Jangan putus asa dulu, hasil pencarian di overture tidak hanya kata dalam bentuk tunggal kan, ada kata welding dalam bentuk frasa, seperti arc welding, tig welding, laser welding, mig welding dan handbook welding, hasil riset detail lihat di table: